Admissions Policy Alam Kidz
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Alam Kidz Vision and Mission
Our Vision
* A community supporting young people to realize their potential; forever learning, forever teaching, in the service of humanity. To inspire a community of lifelong learners who embrace diversity, act with compassion, and strive for excellence in an ever-changing world
Our Mission
To provide a unique, learning-centered environment that progresses young people through an integrated and developmental approach to education.To provide a challenging and inclusive education that empowers students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners.
Our Aim
- Through a focus on global perspectives, we aim to develop interpersonal, intrapersonal, physical and cognitive competencies; empowering young people to lead purposeful, fulfilling lives.
- We also develop knowledgeable, and caring young people who are motivated to succeed and make a positive difference in the world.
Therefore, the school is keen on:
We encourage students to choose a topic they are curious about and conduct a mini-research project. They can present their findings through a poster, slideshow, or oral presentation.
We encourage the students the love science, as well as a passion for knowledge and aspiration that lasts with the students for life
We promote critical and creative thinking skills to approach complex problems and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
We encourage students in group discussions and debates. Assign topics for students to discuss and debate in groups.
We encourage students to collaborate to create a class constitution outlining rules and values that they all agree to uphold.
Open - Minded
We enhance the value and knowledge of different cultures. Students bring items, food, or stories from different cultures to share with their peers, fostering appreciation for diversity.
We plan a community service project where students can help others, such as a clean-up day, visiting a nursing home, or organizing a charity drive.
Risk- Takers
We encourage students to try something new, such as a sport, a musical instrument, or a craft, and share their experiences with the class.
We plan a week of activities focused on physical, mental, and emotional well-being, including yoga, mindfulness exercises, and healthy eating.
We provide students with journals where they can reflect on their daily activities, what they have learned, and how they feel about their experiences. Encourage them to think about their personal growth and areas for improvement.
Indonesian Government Regulations
Minister Decree number 31 2014 article number 11, states that the curriculum applied to Indonesian citizens must contain the subjects of Religious Education, Pancasila and Civic Education, and Bahasa Indonesia by the provisions of laws and regulations.
Peraturan Dirjen Dikdasmen No. 407/D/PD/2015 Chapter II also states that Indonesian students are required to take Pancasila and Civic Education, Bahasa Indonesia and Religious Education.

Definition of Terms
Indonesian Citizen - any individual who possesses an Indonesian passport
Expatriate – an individual who holds a non-Indonesian passport, or who as a dual citizen i.e. Indonesian as well as another passport, has registered with the Indonesian Department of Immigration and is resident in Indonesia based upon the issuance of a temporary stay residence permit KITAS / KITAP.
Alam Kidz School prepares students for learning, we have high expectations of a safe learning environment for all of our students.
Maintain satisfactory behavior:
- Follow the classroom, respect the teacher, noon duty, and all staff rules and directions
- Follow the district and school rules
Non-Discrimination Statement
Alam Kidz School prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), and bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, sex, sexual orientation; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Year Level Placement
Our year-level placement policy aims to place students at the most appropriate level for their academic and social development. The level placement protocol reflects what is developmentally appropriate for each year level and the appropriate classification for the social, emotional, and academic well-being of children attending the school.
K1 4 – 5 Years
K2 5 – 6 Years
Grade I 6 – 7 Years
Grade II 7 – 8 Years
Grade III 8 – 9 Years
Grade IV 9 – 10 Years
Grade V 10 – 11 Years
Grade VI 11 – 12 Years

If students are either younger than the recommended age or not developmentally aligned with their age group in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). This requires a formal assessment and approval from the counselor and admissions committee. The school will conduct assessments to determine the appropriate grade level. This may include:
- Academic assessments in core subjects.
- Observations of the student in a classroom setting.
- Interviews with the student and parents/guardians.
- Consultation with previous teachers and educational psychologists, if necessary.
Rules and regulations
Parents or Guardians must not allow their children/wards to bring any valuable articles such as jewelry, expensive watches, cameras, etc. to the school.
Students have to wear school uniform
Only individuals listed on the student's authorized pick-up list are allowed to pick them up from school. This list should be provided by the student's parent or guardian and updated as necessary.
The academic school year starts in the middle of July.
School fees and other charges shall be paid termly and all payments, including school holidays or children's permission, are non-negotiable and non-refundable
If fees are not paid on time After the deadline to pay the school fees invoice has passed, the termly school report, examination results, and the transfer certificate of your child will not be issued if you have fees outstanding
In the event of an accident at school, the following procedures will be followed:
Check the child's condition and ensure they are calm.
Administer first aid and, if necessary, bring the child to our vendor hospital ( Kasih Ibu hospital)
Complete an accident report form.
Notify the parents immediately.
To build trust, CCTV footage will not be shared for minor accidents handled appropriately by teachers. However, the school may review and share CCTV footage for transparency in the case of a major incident.
- The school places a strong focus on preventing bullying. Through social education, we actively teach students about respect, kindness, and inclusion to promote a positive and safe learning environment.
Alam Kidz School Admission Policy on Inclusion
Alam Kidz School is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. We welcome applications from all students regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or disability. Our admission process is designed to identify students who will thrive in our community and contribute to the richness of our school culture.
We offer accommodations to ensure that all applicants can participate fully in our admission process. Please contact our admissions office if you require any assistance or accommodations.
Placement decisions for students with special educational needs ( SEN ) will be made on an individual basis, taking into consideration the student’s unique requirements, the recommendations of the admissions committee, and input from educational psychologists or other relevant professionals. We have an inclusion team that consists of a teacher, counselor, shadow teacher, head of school, and curriculum coordinator.
Admission decisions will be made based on the best interests of the student, the school’s ability to provide adequate support, and the overall composition of the classroom. All decisions will be communicated in writing to the parents/guardians.
The progress of students with SEN will be regularly monitored through assessments, observations, and feedback from teachers and specialists.
We value the unique experiences and perspectives that each student brings to our school and strive to provide equal opportunities for all students to succeed.

Application Procedure
- When completing the registration form, parents must identify the nationality under which they are registering their child. All submitted documentation must be in line with the child’s identified registration nationality. In cases of dual nationality in which one of the child’s nationalities is Indonesian, unless the child holds a valid KITAS / KITAP and is registered with the Indonesian Department of Immigration as a foreigner, the child must be registered as Indonesian.
- Admission to preschool and kindergarten will be through a formal interaction of the parents and child with the teacher.
- Admission to Grades I and above will be based on the written entrance test
- Date and time for the interaction/entrance test will be intimated to the parents
- Final decision of giving admission (and in which class) will be of the school based on the Test/ Interaction.
- Incomplete registration form will not be accepted
- For any further query you may contact:+62 877 5730 5689 or mail us at
- Kindly submit below mentioned documents along with remaining amount within 15 days of submitting registration charges, failing which the offer of admission stands canceled & the seat will be offered to another applicant.
Completed Application Form
Copy of Identification (Passport, National Identity Card, or KIA) for Indonesians and Passport for Expatriate students
Copy of Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) for Indonesians and Passports of parents/guardians for Expatriate students
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of KITAS / KITAP for expatriate students
Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional (National Student Number) for Indonesian students ( only for student who have received from the previous school)
Official copies of school reports / records (including last record prior to joining Alam Kids School) (no screenshots)
Students moving from other schools must present a transfer letter from their prior school (recommendation letter)