Alam Kidz School

Our Opening Hours Mon - Fri 08.00 - 16.00
(0361) 4710269
"Discover the joy of learning"

Primary 4-5-6

Our Primary Programme is for children aged approximately 6 to 12 years old. It runs Monday to Friday, 8:00am till 2:15pm.




15 Seats


10 - 12 years


8.00 - 2:15 hours


9.832.500 / Term

At Alamkidz primary years has set the following aims and objectives: To provide quality education with an emphasis on holistic development of children.Ensure continuous comprehensive growth of a child through healthy recreational activities and hobbies as well as develop correct reading habits for pleasure and joy. Channelize youthful energies towards creativity and self-actualization. Encourage children to think critically and the growth mindset through entrepreneur education.

It’s a wonderful school! Really! If you want for your kid to feel good, like in family, happy and peaceful … This is the place! Many wishes for this school to grow!
All the teachers are kind, smiling they will hug.
Director is very smart, good person. Professional!
Many projects. Space for creative, study and being good, and play!

Ms Eli
Mr Mara
Mrs Maria